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We’re Off to a Very Cold Start to the Week, and There’s a New Round of Snow Coming to Worcester Tuesday

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Worcester, MA – Brace yourselves, Worcester! The week is kicking off with bone-chilling temperatures, and a fresh round of snow is set to descend upon Massachusetts on Tuesday.

According to weather forecasts, scattered snow showers are expected to sweep across the region from Tuesday morning through the late afternoon. Commuters and residents alike are advised to be prepared as reduced visibility and slick travel conditions are anticipated. The first snowflakes are forecasted to make their appearance around 9 a.m., with the accumulation expected to reach at least 1-to-3 inches by the time the snowfall subsides.

As the day progresses, conditions are expected to remain perilous, particularly during the evening commute on Tuesday. The lingering cold weather will persist throughout the week, with temperatures remaining chilly. The jet stream’s position is anticipated to stay low enough, sustaining the frigid conditions that Worcester residents will have to contend with.

The current weather forecast paints a picture of several consecutive days where temperatures won’t climb above the freezing mark of 32 degrees. Worcester residents are advised to take necessary precautions and plan for the persistent cold spell. As winter asserts its icy grip, it’s crucial to stay informed about the evolving weather conditions and to adapt travel plans accordingly.

In conclusion, Worcester, it’s time to bundle up, drive cautiously, and keep an eye on the skies as Massachusetts prepares for another wintry episode this Tuesday. Stay warm and stay safe!

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